Adding power usage metrics from RTLAMR RTLAMR-COLLECT via InfluxDB to Grafana to graph power usage by day, hour, week & month. Additionally, Grafana can manipulate to calculate cost per day/hour etc.
RTL_SDR & Ubuntu with RLTAMR – Reading power meter output
Setting up a software defined radio (SDR) USB dongle along with RTLAMR, InfluxDB & Grafana to view power usage readings being broadcasted from an iTron power meter.
Enable gpio one-wire interface on Raspberri Pi
Enable gpio pin on Raspberry Pi at boot in the config.txt file. Different pins can be selected based on requirement.
Sensu Check Scripts
Various check scripts for Sensu
Sensu setup on Raspberry Pi 3
How to install & configure Sensu on a Raspberry Pi 3 – Sensu will be installed via Ruby Gems & configured to run as a service using systemd